A great night for hunting gamma-ray bursts The burst advocate’s diary … On Wednesday 5 February 2025, it was 10.25pm when I received a notification……
Entering the scientific operation phase At the end of the Svom mission review, held in Beijing in the week of January 20, the review group……
The SVOM satellite left the IAM CAS clean rooms in Shanghai and arrived at the Xichang launch site in Sichuan province on 10 May. It……
Following the electromagnetic compatibility tests (see Integration at Shanghai: second half of May), integration and testing of the SVOM satellite continued: the solar panels were……
The SVOM/ECLAIRs test facility – a 3-tonne instrumented chamber – was moved from CNES to IRAP on June 26, 2023. IRAP’s white hall had to……
This fortnight began with susceptibility tests to detect any interference between the various instruments and the electronic boxes of the PIM (payload module) through the……
After the mechanical integration of the ECLAIRs and MXT instruments, it’s time for the electrical integrations, with the connection of the harnesses of the French……
At the end of last week, preparations for integrating MXT and ECLAIRs onto the PIM were completed: electrical and mechanical disconnection of MDPU/UGTS computers, panel……
Last week, the French instrument qualification models and their computers were disassembled and packed away. Testing is now continuing on the flight models. MXT and……
The electronic boxes of the two French instrument computers: ECLAIRs (UGTS box) and MXT (MDPU boxes) were attached to the PIM panels (Payload Interface Module,……