ECLAIRs: Integration of the flight model detection plan completed, after the “front” side, it is the “back” side that has just been integrated.
After the “face” side and its 6400 detectors in the spring, it is now the “back” side of the detection plan that the IRAP teams have just integrated into the CNES clean rooms. It consists of installing the 8 “interface board” cards that provide the interface between the detection plan and the reading electronics. In practice, it is above all necessary to check the correct operation of the 3800 connection points with the detection modules and the 72 harnesses allowing connection to the reading electronics. When we know that just one year ago, it was necessary to urgently restart the manufacture of a batch of flight model cards following the rejection of several of them due to a manufacturing problem, it is quite a challenge that IRAP, accompanied by the experts of the CNES, took up to deliver the detection plan within the deadline.

IRAP is now preparing the integration of the electronic modules for power supply, configuration and reading of the detection plan. The coupling of the system and the first signals are expected in the first half of October.