The Preliminary Design Review (PDR), one of the key stages in the conduct of a space project, was held from 4 to 6 July 2016 in Yantai, Shandong Province.

The objective of the review was to ensure that the overall ‘system’ proposed for the SVOM mission meets the scientific requirements. It was primarily addressed to a review group, a panel of people from outside the project chosen for their expertise in space project management.
The project presentations by the SVOM consortium members were spread over one and a half days. Following these presentations, the review group formulated 123 questions. The following day, the SVOM teams responded in detail to the points raised by the review group. The review ended with the group’s report.
The review group was satisfied with the progress made since the System Requirement Review (SRR) last year. It appreciated the thorough documentation, the quality of the presentations and the responses to questions. In its preliminary conclusion it recommended that the SVOM mission should proceed to phase C without reservation.
The next review, Critical Design Review, will close Phase C and is scheduled for summer 2018.
Recall below the different phases of a space project:
• phase 0: mission analysis
• Phase A: feasibility study, closed by the Preliminary Requirements Review (PRR)
• Phase B: preliminary design, completed by the Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
• Phase C: Detailed Design, closed by the Critical Design Review (CDR)
• phase D: realization, qualification
• phase E: exploitation