The mid-phase C review named System Interface Review (SIR) was held in Xi’an from October 16 to 19, 2017 in Shaanxi Province.
The purpose of this review was to freeze the definition of all the “system” interfaces schematized by the arrows in Figure 2 and to begin to define the organization and content of the “system” tests. For example, the satellite reprogramming loop in case of an opportunity target request was discussed in detail. This review was addressed mainly to a group of French-Chinese experts, chosen for their expertise in the conduct of a space project (ground segment specialists, antennas network specialists …)
The Project presentations made by the SVOM consortium members were spread over a day and a half. Following these presentations, the group of experts formulated 79 questions. The following day, the SVOM teams responded in detail to the raised points. The end of the review resulted in the group report. The review group was pleased with the work done since the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) last year in June. He appreciated the quality of the presentations and the answers to the questions. In his preliminary conclusion, he considers this review to be successful.
The next review, Critical Design Review, will close Phase C. It is scheduled for spring 2019
Recall below the different phases of a space project:
• phase 0: mission analysis
• Phase A: feasibility study, closed by the Preliminary Requirements Review (PRR)
• Phase B: preliminary design, completed by the Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
• Phase C: Detailed Design, closed by the Critical Design Review (CDR)
• phase D: realization, qualification
• phase E: exploitation