REUNION-REU1 station

Name : REU1
Location : La Réunion – océan Indien
Latitude : -21.2
Longitude: 55.57
Hosting : Volcanological Observatory of Piton de la Fournaise
Start-up : January, 22 2020

The Reunion station is located on a building of the observatory of Piton de la Fournaise, one of the most active volcanoes on the planet, culminating at 2632m. Covering an area of 2,512 km2, this island is located in the Mascarene archipelago 172 km west-southwest of Mauritius and 679 km east-southeast of Madagascar.

Currently this station is configured to receive data from the NOAA 19 weather satellite. The reconstructed images make it possible to check the quality of the site and to identify possible degradations on the reception of the signals.
