SAN PEDRO MARTIR station in Mexico

Name : MEX1
Location : National Astronomical Observatory of San Pedro Martir at 2790m
Latitude : 31.0453
Longitude : – 115.4671
Hosting : On the site of the observatory managed by the Instituto de Astronomía of UNAM. About ten telescopes are installed on the site, including SVOM’s robotic telescope: Colibri. The headquarters of the observatory is located in the town of Ensenada, at sea level about 4 hours drive.
Start-up : april 2022

The MEX1 station was mounted with a 3 meter mast. The south face is completely clear, allowing good visibility.

This station can be configured to receive data from the NOAA 18 and NOAA 19 weather satellites. The reconstructed images are used to verify the quality of the site and to identify any degradation in signal reception.