25 videos found Integration of the flight model in Shanghai ECLAIRs and MXT leave for China The SVOM orbit The ground/space synergy The ground/space synergy 2 The “target of opportunity” program The transient sky: 16 years of observation by RXTE ECLAIRs: the principle of deconvolution The TAROT telescope Structural and thermal model of the SVOM satellite SVOM satellite engineering model ECLAIRs: Machining of an aluminum mask prototype F-GFT in San Pedro Màrtir MXT: Integration of the detector in the test cryostat MXT: first detected X-ray photons ECLAIRs: vibration tests of the qualification model MXT: vibration tests of the qualification model Solar panel deployment tests ECLAIRs: vibration tests of the mask structural model ECLAIRs: magnetic compatibility tests of the UGTS onboard computer ECLAIRs: assembly of the detector flight model ECLAIRs: vibrations test of the UGTS onboard computer MXT: assembly of the camera flight model ECLAIRs: shock test VHF: installation of the Nanning antenna Related Posts Play with ECLAIRs 3D-print your coded mask